Monday, July 27, 2009

She's gone,truly gone

It's hard to put my recent thought into words right now...right now I'm in a state of dumbfounded-ness over the passing of one of Malaysia's most aspiring filmmakers, Yasmin Ahmad...she is truly gone, and there's a part of me that is still in denial about that fact...questions started to roll into my mind, "who's going to make me cry and touched at the same time this year?"(refering to her petronas commercials).. and I think one of the reasons for me trying to deny it was because the day that she collapsed at TV3 (last thursday),hours before, I just went to her blog. And I noticed that her recent posts are somewhat similar in nature; about people's passings and death.

I have always adored her films and supported them by watching at the cinemas (for Gubra and Mukhsin)...I didn't manage to watch her latest offering, Talentime due to hectic work scheduele.

Sure, she is controversial seems that people who criticized her works before, to me, is denying their own reality, because that is what Yasmin tried to portray ; true Malaysians.

We will miss you Yasmin.

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